

Ukuhlanganiswa Kwemfundo Yezimboni kanye Nentuthuko Ejwayelekile | I-Zuowei Tech isebenzisana neHong Kong Institute of High Education and Technology kanye ne-Dalian Institute of Science neTekhnoloji yokwakha ibhande kanye nomgwaqo wezemfundo embonini yezemfundo yezemfundo.

Ngokuthuthuka kokusebenza kwembulunga yonke kanye nokuqaliswa okujulile kohlelo lwe- "Belt kanye ne-Road", imfundo ye-Vart kanye ne-Road, njengendlela ebalulekile yokuhlakulela amathalente aphezulu wezobuchwepheshe, uthola ukunakwa okwengeziwe. Ngo-Ephreli 22, i-Zuowei Tech ehlongozwayo ehlongozwayo ukwethula i- "BELT kanye ne-Road and Road Vocational Education Education Education Education Alliance" New Institute ye-Hong Kong Institute of High Education Science Science and Technology kanye ne-Dalian Institute of Science neTechnology.

I-Zuowei Tech igxile emikhiqizweni ehlakaniphile yokunakekela asebekhulile

I-Belt ne-Road Vocational Education Education Education Ukuhlanganiswa Kwezemfundo Ihlose ukufeza izinga eliphakeme lokulingana phakathi kwethalente kanye nezidingo zangempela zezimboni ngokuhlanganiswa okujulile phakathi kwemboni nezemfundo, kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwamazwe "emkhakheni wemfundo yobuciko. Umfelandawonye uzoqoqa ama-University, amabhizinisi, izinhlangano zezimboni namanye amayunithi avela emazweni ahlukene ukuze ahlole ngokuhlanganyela imikhuba emihle kakhulu yokuthuthuka kwemfundo yobuciko, futhi anikeze ukulima ithalente lobuchwepheshe kanye nokusekelwa kwezobuchwepheshe. Ukusungulwa kweBelt ne-Road Vocational Education Education Education Education Education Reciperation Alliance kuzothuthukisa ukwabiwa kwezinsizakusebenza zemfundo ye-Vocational phakathi kwamanye amazwe kanye nebhalodi kanye nokwenza umgwaqo "kuthola ukuthuthukiswa kwe-Win-win ekuqeqesheni izimboni.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, ubuchwepheshe be-Zuowei basebenzisana neDali University of Science neTechnology, bazokwakha ngokuhlanganyela embonini yokuqeqeshwa kokuhlanganiswa kwemboni. Lezi zinhlangothi zombili zizokwenza ukubambisana ezinkundleni eziningi ezinjengokwakhiwa kwamapulatifomu adala ukunakekelwa kwamarobhothi namarobhothi, ukuthuthukiswa kwekharikhulamu, nokuthuthukiswa kwezobuchwepheshe, kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwezimboni, futhi uhlakulele amathalente aphezulu asezingeni eliphakeme ahlangabezana nesidingo semakethe.

Esikhathini esizayo, i-Zuowei Tech izothuthukisa ukubambisana neHong Kong Institute of High Education Science and Technology, icubungule ukuthuthukiswa kwezinsizakusebenza zeBelt kanye ne-Road Valent yezemfundo, futhi inikeze ukwesekwa kwethalente elivelele kakhulu emazweni kanye nezifunda kanye ne-Road ".

Isikhathi Seposi: Meyi-26-2024